
  1. Dangle Supply Offsets Carbon Footprint, Partnering with Cooler!

    by Colin Frazer

    December, 2020- As a HighTech outdoors brand, DangleSupply believes that it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to help the environment. A...
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  2. Cyber Monday DEALSSSS!

    by Dan Gullbongs

    You've got deals! Here is what we've got for cyber Monday... - Buy 2 of any pipe, get a third 50% off! Use the code 3PIPES at checkout - Buy 3 of a...
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  3. Dangle Supply disrupts camp mug industry with revolutionary new Titanium Cup

    by Dan Gullbongs

    Bozeman, MT (November 23, 2020) - HighTech outdoors manufacturer Dangle Supply is upending the camp mug industry with a new lightweight Titanium Cu...
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  4. Stockist HIGHlight with Jambz Distro - Australia's premier gear emporium

    by Dan Gullbongs

    If you don't already know Jambz, then you are in for a treat. One of the world's largest cycling goods distributors based in Australia is also a ke...
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  5. Sockist HIGHlight with Garage Grown Gear - Ultralight gear shop

    by Dan Gullbongs

    On this episode of Stockist HIGHlights we chat with Lloyd Vogel, founder of Garage Grown Gear, a Minneapolis-based outdoor shop that focuses on ult...
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  6. Why a Titanium Pipe is the right metal pipe.

    by Dan Gullbongs

    We get this question a lot. Why Titanium? Isn't smoking out of metal bad? Well, here is a little info on this infamous metal that can hopefully hel...
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